Oktoberfest Brews Cruise 2022!

Dust off your dirndls and lederhosen because we’re cruising to Oktoberfest this year!

To celebrate our last summer living in Denver, and because we had so much darn fun a few months ago, I’ll be organizing another Brews Cruise, this time ending at the Denver Oktoberfest. This one will start a bit later and hit a few less stops so that we’re just properly tuned up to hoist some steins, race some wiener dogs, munch some pretzels, and enjoy all there is at one of the country’s best Oktoberfest celebrations.

The Deets:

When: Saturday, September 17th @ 3pm
Where: Prost Brewing (we’ll ride after a beer at 4), 5 total stops check the route below
How: By bicycle, and clad in your festive garb
Who: You and anyone who cares to join, just RSVP so I have a head count
Why: For the glory of Kronprinz Ludwig

The Route:

A bit shorter so we arrive fresh, but hitting breweries that focus on European style brews.

Shoot me a message, or RSVP here to let me know if you’re coming, the more the merrier!




They, The Leukocytes