Brolly Event Solutions: Website / by Griffin Turnipseed

brolly website mockup-01.jpg

The Need:

With the Brolly Event Solutions identity brand new to the market, a new website was needed to help get the brand off the ground. What's more, there were several key requirements laid out by Brolly management, the site needed to: facilitate inbound lead capture, host product demonstration systems, work well for visitors on desktop and mobile, provide on-site support, and cater to two distinct audiences- trade shows and general events. As Marketing Manager I got to work fleshing out a robust website that would bring Brolly to life.

The Remedy:

To begin, I weighed several key factors- site requirements, staff ease-of-use, mobile optimization and SEO- and determined a site built on Squarespace would best fit company needs. Once on the platform I laid out a site architecture that would equally balance our two target markets- distributor trade shows and general events- alongside inbound marketing materials and systems. With the site architecture in place I put my nose to the grind stone and laid out, designed vector imagery for, copy wrote, and sourced stock imagery for every page on the site. All to fit neatly within our newly established brand standards of course.

Our trade show page, with corresponding modules.

Our trade show page, with corresponding modules.

About page brings to life our past, and our bond with parent company Data Connect.

About page brings to life our past, and our bond with parent company Data Connect.

Trust factors live right on the homepage with current customers and testimonials.

Trust factors live right on the homepage with current customers and testimonials.

The lovely faces of the Brolly Event Support Team.

The lovely faces of the Brolly Event Support Team.

Once the site had the basics I worked in concert with key advertising initiatives, and gave SEO a little boost while I was at it, to build a series of targeted landing pages designed to highlight key value propositions. These pages were designed to be quick and easy to digest, and steer users to a defined next step to nudge them through the consideration process.

A page about our flexible implementation.

A page about our flexible implementation.

A page about our event support teams.

A page about our event support teams.

Finally, I turned my attention towards inbound marketing initiatives. Underlying all inbound activities I integrated the marketing automation system Infusionsoft. I built customized campaigns to sit behind each form on the site to ensure that every interested user received exactly what they were looking for and were passed along to the Brolly sales team in an appropriate manner. The crux of this system sat behind our free trial system, which was the primary conversion metric for the site, where users could tour our products in a self-guided demo. As a cherry on top to make each page a potential lead capture point for visitors, and have onsite support, I added a website chat feature with Purechat where users could ask me questions directly.

The critical free trial page.

The critical free trial page.

The Purechat widget.

The Purechat widget.

The Results:

120% increase in monthly leads captured. is now the official face of the brand and has helped facilitate key maneuvers to new industries such as pharmaceutical and pet supply. On a more firm basis, on going SEO and content optimization efforts helped increase organic traffic 30% while reducing bounce rate 20% over the course of twelve months. Ultimately web and other digital marketing efforts increased monthly leads captured 120% over the first year, opening the door for key new accounts and a bright future for Brolly Event Solutions.